UMD Fall 2020 Course Info

UMD Fall 2020 Course Information

This webpage was a project developed to help students get information about their courses for the upcoming Fall 2020 semester. This project is not official, and should not be used as the only source of information a person accesses.

The data is provided by reading directly from the University of Maryland's schedule of classes, which can be found here. The information on this site was last updated as of the time in the footer.

Please keep in mind that this is a personal project and is not affiliated with UMD. A person should always double-check Maryland's schedule of classes before making any major decisions.

Course Info

To search for more relevant information for your courses or department, click the link above.

Breakdown by Department

To see a summary the number of in person and online sections offered by department, and the total number of seats offered by instruction type, click the link above.

Overall UMD Breakdown

The below graphic details a summary of the number of in person and online sections offered by UMD, as well as the total number of seats offered by instruction type.

chart1 chart2
The percentage of sections The percentage of seats

We wanted to take a look at the number of course sections and the number of seats that were both online and in person.


Is any of this information final?

No, UMD hasn't stated when course info will be final. We are updating this page as the schedule of classes updates. You can see that last time we accessed Testudo in the footer down below.

Are you affiliated with UMD?

No. Ethan is a UMD student and Bill is a UMD alumni.

I found an issue, what can I do to report it?

You can make an issue on GitHub here.

How can I give feedback about potential improvements or request a new feature?

Feel free to send an email to

Can I find your source code anywhere?

Our source code is public on GitHub, you can find it here.

I found a way to improve your code! What should I do?

You can submit a pull request on GitHub here.